Thursday, March 24, 2011

Canning Fruits & Vegetables

The secret to having nice, fresh-tasting fruits and vegetables all year long is starting out with fresh, firm, ripe ones.  If you have a garden that is perfect.  If not,  it's a good idea to look for places in your area to buy fresh markets, roadside trucks or even your local grocery store.  I try to have a small garden and we have pear, apple and fig trees on our property.  What I don't grow I can find as several of our relatives have gardens and always have plenty to share.
I've been canning for about three years and enjoy having fruits and vegetables year round.  I also can my own soups and stocks.  If you're new to canning check out this first video...
*Canning Basics*

If you grow tomatoes, you know what a high-yielding fruit they are.  Tomatoes are easy to preserve but must be processed at the height of flavor.  Whether you like Bloody Marys or just like tomato juice on it's own, there's nothing better than homemade.
*Canning Tomato Juice*

Every year our pear tree bears an abundance of fruit.  There is always more than I can use and our family and friends really like that.  I will preserve pear halves, pear pie filling and if you are an apple butter fan, give this recipe a try...

*Pear Butter*

Fruits and vegetables can become crisp, tangy, sweet and sour, or sour when you pickle them.  The flavor changes easily by varying the amount of vinegar, salt, sugar, or seasonings.  You can have things as spicy or as mild as you like.
You can have a great time with your ingredients when making pickles, relish, or chutney.  But make sure you follow directions correctly.  You need to be careful to follow vinegar amounts.  You can choose what type of vinegar to use but not how much or you may end up with an unsafe product.
Growing up my all-time favorite pickle was Grandma Schierbecker's *Bread and Butter Pickles*.  Although I've tried different recipes, I've never quite gotten hers right...but I keep trying...
*Bread & Butter Pickles*

Grandma Schierbecker grew up on a farm in Southern Illinois and learned the art of preserving food.  She made great jams and jellies.  I used to watch her and it was alot of work.  This Strawberry jam recipe is quick and easy...just the way I like it...
*Homemade Strawberry Jam*

"Yes that's me with the buzz cut...always hated that hair cut"

Chutneys are spicy preserves that combine fruits and vegetables with nuts and dried fruits.  They are served with curries and as accompaniments to many meat, fish, and chicken dishes.  I love chutneys and this is my favorite...
*Mango Chutney*

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