Monday, August 8, 2011

*Family Reunions* "A Southern Tradition"

A family reunion is an occasion when many members of an extended family get together. Sometimes reunions are held regularly, for example on the same date of every year.
A typical family reunion will assemble the survivors of grandparents, great-grandparents and up for a meal, some recreation and discussion. The older attendees are generally grandparents, parents, siblings or first cousins while the youngest could be second, third or fourth cousins. It is also not uncommon for regular family reunions to be sponsored by family organizations or family associations centered around a more distant common ancestor (often referred to as "ancestral family organizations") or a commonly shared surname ("single surname family organizations").
*Honor the Family Name*
You got it from your father, it was all he had to give,
So it’s yours to keep and cherish for as long as you shall live,
It was clean the day he got it, and a worthy name to bear,
When he got it from his father, there was no dishonor there,
So protect and guard it safely, for when all is said and done,
You’ll be proud the name is spotless when you give it to your son.
I had never been to a "Family Reunion" until I married Vickie. We've been married for 35 years and these family get togethers are still a little strange to me.  For me they have come to mean two things...1) Family and 2) FOOD! Yesterday was the first of the three annual "Family Reunions" and here's the video...
*The Goforth Family Reunion 2011*

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